
PeacefulPlace, the new recording by London based singer Georgia Mancio, is a very deceptive recording. Deceptive because if you close your eyes and just listen to the voice, you would think that this is someone who has been around a long time, it certainly would not have been done by a relative new comer. Well you would be wrong. Peaceful Place is an album full of many gentle surprises that will enchant and delight you. Mancio possesses one of the finest and most supple voices in jazz, she can sing just about any style and deliver it very convincingly, be it a standard or one of her own compositions.

Chega de Saudade by Antonio Carlos Jobim, the second cut on the album, is a tasteful Latin jazz number that switches between languages and its meaning can be understood either way. Her voice is an instrument all by itself and you can hear traces of Billie, and Ella lingering in the background. It can be very dicey to try to record songs that are standards.In the minds of many there are always comparisons to listen to. ‘The Things We Did Last Summer’ is a classic Style and Cahn number that Ms Mancio breathes new life into and makes her own.

She seems to be at her best with minimal backup and on ‘Estate’ her voice is allowed to demonstrate its ability to communicate strong emotion with only a little extra added accompaniment. The numbers ‘Too Close For Comfort’, ‘Everybody’s Song But My Own’ and ‘Too Young To go Steady’ let you hear the ease with which Ms Mancio delivers her own renditions of these songs; they flow and ebb seemingly at will. These are the kind of talents that are reserved for only a handful of singers.

‘Get Out Of Town’, a Cole Porter number, is a throw back to the golden age of jazz vocalists and Ms Mancio really does the song justice, backed by Tim Lapthorn on piano and Gareth Lockrane on flute as well as Andy Cleyndert on the double bass. ‘Never Let Me Go’ is a beautiful heartfelt love ballad that is one of the many stand out numbers on an album full of standout numbers.

Georgia Mancio is a vocalist of the highest quality; her voice is a shining example of what jazz vocalists should strive to try and reach. She has a voice of timeless elegance that will only continue to enchant for years to come.