Roomspin Records | 2013
“Mancio doesn’t miss a beat, her phrasing jazzy but always keeping the sense of the lyrics….She scats beautifully… emphasising how much the voice is one of the instruments, never just a singer with a backing band….Georgia Mancio lets the songs breathe”
“an object lesson in subtlety, in understated interpretation, in the impact of nuance…. Mancio can re-invigorate a lyric with the slightest shift in emphasis, timing or intonation….It’s beautiful”
“To improvise on the melody of a song while leaving its lyric unaltered is a difficult and delicate process, but Georgia Mancio brings it off with such grace that she almost makes it sound easy….In all respects an accomplished and beguiling set”
“the unforced lyricism, the conversational quality and sheer elegance of the music-making, the palpable sense of enjoying each other’s musical company – are all captured to masterly effect...Mancio sings beautifully, negotiating the intricacies of these standards with a real joie de vivre”