Roomspin Records | 2015
“A SONG isn’t truly a song until it reaches out and grabs your heart…What particularly stands out about this release is the raw, pared-down sincerity of the performances…These are bold, no-hiding-place expressions, and Mancio – as storyteller – possesses an innate adaptability, both in technique and artistry, to enhance the melodies and lyrics of these well-chosen pieces so naturally and so clearly, without the need for over-embellishment or showboating. And that’s classy… it’s a must.”
“A baker’s dozen of talented performers, twelve beautifully performed songs, captured with exceptional sound quality.”
“This consummate, many-angled exploration of song brings together 12 fascinating duo performances…Mancio seeks out the specifics in each song, drawing you into its narrative while simultaneously unveiling the emotional nuances within.”
“each and every one of Mancio’s duo collaborations holds the attention….So much good stuff here… this is, altogether, an excellent piece of work and a fitting record of tremendous endeavour”